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Spending more time with //Soul//

Updated: Jan 17

We make it too hard...

Connecting to soul is often seen in the spiritual community as something that you can only do when you have reached a certain level of development and it couldn't be further from the truth.

Unfortunately, we are conditioned that deep work like this takes time and deep meditation. The truth is that your soul is always present. Always. It is the inner most part of you and connected to your everyday moments. We have had resistance upon resistance layered on top of each other that which makes us doubt ourselves and doubt the whispers that have been seeping through our heart space, (The portal to your soul). You can connect to the deeper knowings and callings of your soul in a second. I'll explain below. It can also be developed into so many different fun, deep, energetic, sincere (you name it) practices. But the most important thing is, your human body and existence, learns to listen with an open heart and a quiet mind. (Your mind will usually talk you round to the opposite to what your soul is highlighting.)

Quick and efficient ways to connect in the moment:

Spend some time, just quietening yourself.

Focus on your breath to rhythm of your breath to help you.

Place your hand on your heart and close your eyes.

Direct your breath to your heart space.

Then ask a question you desire to know the answer to, to your heart space.

Allow the first answer that comes from this space to come forward.

Write it down.

Contemplate, reflect.

It will feel like a pure loving knowing. Centred, calm and true. You may even feel the thought of ' I knew that deep down if I really admit it'.

If the answer is negative, condescending, or feels strange, it is most probably your ego!

I have spent so much of my time with clients and students de-conditioning an un-doing the expectations that we have placed on ourselves, but also, sadly, in the spiritual community.

Teachers, guides, mentors unfortunately making this far more difficult than it needs to be.

Of course, there is a necessity and need for deep practice and long term development to master these connections, whispers and ultimately expanding into enlightenment. I highly endorse this.

However, we came here with a pure connection to that in which we came from. The light. Source, God, Creator, God, Love, The universe, whichever you deem the greater energy of Creation. We are ultimately one.

What if it was easy to hear the calling of your inner being? What If it was always supposed to be easy?

Tell me below how you get on!

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